and soon everyone's got one of them
you never know what's real anymore
is he really happy?
or is he just hiding behind a forever smiling mask
hiding the hurt and pain
might never know
you never know what's real anymore
nobody's real anymore
and how can we?
were we to be real to ourselves and everyone
what then?
shunned by people
another form of conforming to the ways of this defeated world
a world of masks and lies
a world where everyone seems happy
and everything seems alright
but how can we ever be happy and alright in this
rubbish bin we call earth
surrounded by things that leer and judge you
criticise and put you down
is it really that hard to believe that people can
go mad with depression
or burst with anxiety
not really
even saying "oh i'm fine"
has become the norm
the usual
the expected
it's expected that everything's green and beautiful in
everbody's lives
yet another form of conformation
everyone seems so confortable in this status quo that we've created for ourselves
nobody daring to be different
even in being different we try to copy others
the rivalries that swell up
all for what?
nothing's gonna last anyway
short term goals coming to nothing
why do you press on?
looking for promotions
only when you find your purpose then do you live
it's much like a maze sometimes
you don't know where you are
you don't know whats around you
you don't know where you're going
you don't know how on earth you're gonna get there
or what to do to get there
there is
all this hurt and pain and depression
arising from a single problem
accentuated by smaller problems
caused by rivalries
and it seems like there's no way out
when the other party refuses to budge
stand their ground
and the problem drives everybody mad
determined to end it
to go back and
nip the problem in the bud
damage control
and try to resolve whats left
lifeless souls walking down empty streets
heading to nowhere in particular
grasping so tightly onto nothingness
and who's to judge them?
we're all pretty much doing the same
until someone comes along and pulls us out of this
ditch we keep digging for ourselves
deeper and deeper
until there's no way we can get out
by ourselves.
a warrior once said
"every man dies
but not every man truly lives"
start living