Wednesday, April 30, 2008

ramblings XI

Will you EVER be satisfied?
I'm beginning to believe that it is humanly impossible.

There is really nobody who can totally tick me off as much as you do.
You are truly talented.
There is no one else who can bring me to the threshold of my tolerance,
and then dares to completely push me over the edge.

You have no idea how hard i've tried to make you happy.
I know you've invested so much time and money in me,
but i'm not instant noodles.
You can't possibly expect instant results.

What hurts the most is when you keep harping on and on about small mistakes i've made,
some dating back to the stone ages.
And completely negating any positive things i might have attained.

You keep coming to my room to try and make peace,
but you just don't know how to stop talking,
and so each time you come up,
it just gets worse.

Seriously, just please shut up and get out of my room.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a new beginning.

Sunlight poured in through his tall Victorian windows
hindered only momentarily by his lazily hanging drapes as they danced through the cold, clean air to caress his sleeping face.

He climbed the golden stairs, and left behind the dark glittering darkness of his dreams.
Turning over in his bed, he felt the pleasant sensation of the cold pillow against his warm cheek.

This day would not be the same as the others.

He had found a new joy, derived from more than anything money could ever buy.
A decisive day by the sea, had proven more vital than he would have ever thought possible.