Thursday, May 15, 2008


A dusty, decrepit road stood alone, meandering through the forest of efil.
Leaves once proudly dark and gloriously green, now lay curled inward like the gnarled fingers of an old woodsman.
Life as he knew it was the forest of efil, the perilous forest of efil.
The moonlight sprinkled down, pausing only to brush the rough edges of sleeping leaves.
A wolf called her cubs softly in the distance and dead dry leaves rustled softly in the passing breeze.

The gentle breeze slowly began to dance, and twirled the dead dry leaves around her as she spun.
Faster, faster, faster, into an abyss of brown and green while the trees swayed their approval.

The wind held it's breath for a fraction of a second,
Then the rains fell.
and fell like never before.
Heavy droplets of bliss fell in torrents, crashing violently into the dust covered, decrepit road.
Gentle droplets of love sprinkled down in droves, floating gently down and caressed the dust covered, decrepit road.

It rained, and it washed, and rained, and cleansed, and rained, and healed, and rained, and it brought life to that dusty, decrepit road.
And the forest of efil was never the same again.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Jon's Dictionary

1. Meh
m·eh Audio Help [m-ehh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a sound made in extreme annoyance
2. an expression of annoyance or disappointment

Teacher X: why is your assignment two days late?
Student A: because my dog ate my assignment
Teacher X: meh. you must finish it before going home.
Student A: meh !

[Origin: unknown]

2. Neh
n·eh Audio Help [n-eeeh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a sound made in slight annoyance
2. an expression of discomfort

Boy A: let's eat lunch
Boy B: the food looks like crap
Boy A + B: neh.

[Origin: 2007-unknown]

3. Merhhhdorrnerrrhhhz
merhhh·dorr·nerrr·hhhz Audio Help [as it looks] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. Macdonalds

Boy A: (in chinese) wo men qu mai mai dan lao !
Boy B: what's mai dan lao ?
Boy A: zomg ! Macdonalds !!
Boy B: HUH ? i thought macdonalds in chinese is
Merhhhdorrnerrrhhhz !

[Origin: Mark Bala's awesome chinese]