Thursday, December 23, 2004


the warm smiles
the tight hugs
the gleefull laughter
but look deeper
and you'll see
the broken spirits
the torn hearts
the broken lives
the wanting
the longing for something deeper
something solid to stand on
in a world where everything is surrounded by
and empty souls
the longing for something to believe in
and something to hold on to
a friend that lasts
a person to talk to
a real life to lead
and all this sets you thinking
of how really blessed we are
really blessed
i had lunch with one of the youth helpers in cambodia
and offered him a french fry
and he had no idea what is was
at all
they've never even seen a swimming pool before
all the things we take for granted would be like
treasure to them
so i urge you to take up the challenge
to share the love of God to the people
you don't have to cross oceans and roads to do it
you can do it right where you are..
in your school
in your families
it does set you thinking..
so step out of your cushy comfort zones
and enter
the real world
cos it's not nice out there
but it could be better
and you could make that difference
enter the world of
senseless killing
worm infested waters
no electricity
the place where
the filthy rich live next door to the filthy
or just appreciate what you have

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