Monday, July 21, 2008

find yourself

He hurriedly filed his dreams away as his phone screamed and wiggled at him for the fifth time to wake up.
Eventually heaving his eyes open only to find the night still plastered thickly over.

The piercing light quickly dissolved the darkness and he stumbled around while his eyes gradually adjusted to the light.

The sun was taking it's time rounding the bend today.

mr clock lazily glowed back at his glower. 5.45 am.

He had had 3 whole hours of sleep. a record.

He picked his way to the toilet, stepping and crushing notes along the way.

Around the world, 18 year old corpses everywhere repeated the same routine in the dead of the night.
Their gaunt, sunken faces barely held onto youth and bloodshot eyes screamed out for release.
Flaccid, decaying souls in supple bodies slumped over piles of undone work, the floor littered with unread notes
and their minds bled, carved from the gashes of stress and disappointment.

What demons could have so thoroughly stripped the joy from their faces
and bled their youth out of them ?

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